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Run Rings Round Dark Circles, With Tear Trough Filler

19 July 2022 by Omniya Clinic

Ever look back at old photos and think about how your face has changed?

It’s hard not to compare these pictures from the past with your current reflection in the mirror. And your eyes are probably the biggest indicator of the passing of time.

Thing is, you’ve got a lot more control over this aspect of your appearance than you might realise. You can’t turn back time, but you can definitely do something about those dark circles.

How Does Tear Trough Filler Help With Dark Circles?

Your tear troughs are the natural indentations that occur just between the bottom of your lower eyelid, and the top of your cheek.

As time passes, the following changes occur in this area;

Loss of subcutaneous fat. The layer of fat under the skin of your face and neck reduces gradually over time – first with the loss of your ‘puppy fat’, followed by the slow degradation of the layers of subcutaneous fat that keep the skin taut and plump.

Thinning of the skin. As well as the loss of subcutaneous fat, the skin itself will thin over time, due to a reduction in collagen production. The skin becomes less elastic, and more prone to ‘bagginess’. As the skin thins and becomes more translucent, the dark blood vessels beneath the skin become more visible, leading to the dark circles (a process also known as hyperpigmentation).

The procedure known as tear trough filler involves the injection of small amounts of a hyaluronic acid gel along the length of both tear troughs.

Hyaluronic acid is a substance which occurs naturally in the human body. It’s already present in your eyes and your joints, where it acts as a cushion and a lubricant.

Our expert clinicians will inject the gel, which will lift and support the fragile skin in the affected area. They will then gently massage the treated area to give an instantly freshened, contoured appearance.

What Are The Side-Effects Of Tear Trough Filler?

Tear trough filler is a relatively low-risk procedure, with few reported side-effects. There may be some slight swelling or bruising, which can last for up to three days. The procedure takes around thirty minutes from start to finish, and you can go back to work on the same day.

You should avoid touching or applying makeup on the affected area immediately after treatment. Alcohol should be avoided for 24 hours, Ibuprofen for two days, and aspirin for seven days – however, all the information you need will be provided at both your consultation and your aftercare session.

How Long Does Tear Trough Filler Last?

You can expect to see immediate results from your tear trough filler treatment. The results should still be evident up to 12 months later. When you book your tear trough filler consultation with Omniya, we’ll also arrange an aftercare/follow-up consultation, 14 days after the treatment, to ensure that you’re completely satisfied with the results.

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